Meet Ratu

{{{Rhythm Keeper, Pollinator, Synthesizer}}}

As an artist, interior stylist, DJ, and spiritualist, I focus on personal style as a pleasure practice of worldbuilding and self-discovery. I enjoy collaborating with eccentric, mystical, electric, sensual, dynamic, soulful, and playful creative beings and professionals in bringing their visions to life. Together, we cultivate cohesive and beautiful environments that reflect your unique essence, where creation and pleasure naturally thrive.

At the heart of my work is the perspective that what you want to create already exists, our focus is to design an environment that supports the inevitable unfolding of your vision, while having fun doing it.

We are the source and blueprint of our worlds.

Who this work will best support:

What I Do: graphic design, textile art, djing, interior styling, & creative coaching.

Modalities & frameworks that inform my work: my lifetime of artistry, akashic records, my ancestors, herbalism, plant spirit medicine, cultural anthropology, & life.

Visual Elements I work with: photographs, textiles, nature, portraits, type, gradients, collaging, perspective distortions, & more