Ratu Marutle

Art & Interior Styling

An art and interior styling studio for eclectic creators providing uniquely specified environments that celebrate, support, and preserve their multifaceted expression.

Vision & Direction:

The goal was to reestablish Ratus visual identity for her art and website. We wanted the website to be an beauty space that reflected her essence, so here people know they’re in the right place and make it a more pleasurable experience to create/run her business. We approach building her website as if we were building a brick and mortar. Creating an intimate yet spacious environment that reflected the relaxing place of a beach or oasis at sunset and dusk into the evening.


The branding process was honoring the transformation of her career from spiritual practitioner to full-time professional artist. Integrating her skills, experiences, and perspectives from Beloved Radiance and Akashic Record readings with art and design to create something new. I revamped the color palette, changed the fonts on the website, kept the leading font, and creating a more cohesive style guide that reflects her current refined style that was applied to her website, home, and wardrobe. We looked at her past experiments, creations, and taste to tease out and identify the design elements (textures, fonts, shapes, effects, lighting, and essence) that she enjoys and also reflects what she wants to express. It was all there, we just created a map as a reference point that cuts through the noise of other people and honors what she honestly desires to create.

Ethos & Values

“Everything is art and so are you” expresses the perspective that creating our lives is an act of artistic expression and every time we create a new experience we are creating more of ourselves. Centering pleasure, play, and curiosity as we co-create with the many aspects of the self, our ancestors, spirit, nature, and life itself.

Like a plant, we must create an internal and external environment that easily supports your authentic expression.